Batang Zip Codes: Java Central, Indonesia

List of Batang Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Batang Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Java Central Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Bandar Sidayu 51254
Batang 51211 51212 51213 51214 51215 51216 51251
Bawang 51274
Blado 51255
Gringsing 51281
Karangasem 51213
Kasepuhan 51214
Kauman 51215
Limpung 51271
Proyonanggan 51211
Reban 51273
Sambong 51212
Subah 51262
Tersono 51272
Tulis 51261
Warung Asem 51252
Watesalit 51216
Wono Tunggal 51253

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