Kebumen Zip Codes: Java Central, Indonesia
List of Kebumen Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Kebumen Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Java Central Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.
Zip/Postal Codes
Adimulyo | 54363 |
Aliyan | 54352 |
Ambal | 54392 |
Ayah | 54473 |
Buayan | 54474 |
Bulus Pesantren | 54391 |
Bumirejo | 54316 |
Gombong | 54411 54412 54413 54414 54415 54416 54451 |
Karanganyar | 54364 |
Karanggayam | 54365 |
Kebumen | 54311 54312 54313 54314 54315 54316 54317 54351 |
Klirong | 54381 |
Kutowinangun | 50740 54393 |
Kuwarasan | 54366 |
Mirit | 54395 |
Panjer | 54312 |
Pejagoan | 54361 |
Petanahan | 54382 |
Prembun | 54394 |
Puring | 54383 |
Rowokele | 54472 |
Sadang | 54353 |
Selang | 54314 |
Sempor | 54421 54471 |
Sruweng | 54362 |
Tamanwinangun | 54313 |
Wonokriyo | 54412 |
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