Purworejo Zip Codes: Java Central, Indonesia

List of Purworejo Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Purworejo Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Java Central Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Bagelen 54174
Baledono 54118
Bandung 54211
Bandung Kidul 54221
Bandungrejo 54222
Banyu Urip 54171
Bayan 54152 54221 54222 54223 54224 54252
Bener 54183
Besole 54223
Boro Kulon 54171
Boro Wetan 54171
Bruno 54261
Butuh 54264
Cangkrep 54117
Cangkrep Kidul 54117
Cangkrep Lor 54117
Doplang 54114
Gebang 54191
Grabang 54265
Kaligesing 54175
Kedungsari 54116
Kemiri 54262
Keseneng 54119
Kutoarjo 54211 54212 54213 54214 54215 54216 54251
Loano 54181
Mranti 54112
Mudal 54119
Ngombol 54172
Paduroso 54112
Pangen Juru Tengah 54114
Pangenrejo 54115
Perum Boro 54171
Pituruh 54263
Purwodadi 54173
Purworejo 54111 54112 54113 54114 54115 54116 54117 54118 54119 54151
Semawung Daleman 54213
Semawung Kembaran 54216
Sindurjan 54113
Tambakrejo 54118

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