Wonogiri Zip Codes: Java Central, Indonesia

List of Wonogiri Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Wonogiri Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Java Central Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Baturetno 57673
Batuwarno 57674
Bulukerto 57697 57698
Eromoko 57663
Girimarto 57683
Giripurwo 57612
Giritirto 57611
Giritontro 57676
Giriwono 57613
Giriwoyo 57675
Jatipurno 57693
Jatiroto 57692
Jatisrono 57691
Karangtengah 57677
Kismantoro 57696
Manyaran 57662
Ngadirejo 57681
Ngadirojo 57681
Nguntoronadi 57671
Paranggupito 57678
Pracimantoro 57664
Purwantoro 57695
Selogiri 57652
Sidoharjo 57682
Slogohimo 57694
Tirtomoyo 57672
Wonoboyo 57615
Wonogiri 57611 57612 57613 57614 57615 57651
Wonokarto 57612
Wuryantoro 57661
Wuryorejo 57614

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