Wonogiri Zip Codes: Java Central, Indonesia
List of Wonogiri Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Wonogiri Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Java Central Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.
Zip/Postal Codes
Baturetno | 57673 |
Batuwarno | 57674 |
Bulukerto | 57697 57698 |
Eromoko | 57663 |
Girimarto | 57683 |
Giripurwo | 57612 |
Giritirto | 57611 |
Giritontro | 57676 |
Giriwono | 57613 |
Giriwoyo | 57675 |
Jatipurno | 57693 |
Jatiroto | 57692 |
Jatisrono | 57691 |
Karangtengah | 57677 |
Kismantoro | 57696 |
Manyaran | 57662 |
Ngadirejo | 57681 |
Ngadirojo | 57681 |
Nguntoronadi | 57671 |
Paranggupito | 57678 |
Pracimantoro | 57664 |
Purwantoro | 57695 |
Selogiri | 57652 |
Sidoharjo | 57682 |
Slogohimo | 57694 |
Tirtomoyo | 57672 |
Wonoboyo | 57615 |
Wonogiri | 57611 57612 57613 57614 57615 57651 |
Wonokarto | 57612 |
Wuryantoro | 57661 |
Wuryorejo | 57614 |