Mojokerto Zip Codes: Java East, Indonesia
List of Mojokerto Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Mojokerto Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Java East Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.
Zip/Postal Codes
Balongsari | 61314 |
Bangsal | 61381 |
Dawarblandong | 61354 |
Dawarblantong | 61354 |
Dlangu | 61371 |
Gedek | 61351 |
Gedongan | 61319 |
Gondang | 61372 |
Gunung Gedangan | 61315 |
Jagalan | 61313 |
Jatirejo | 61373 |
Jetis | 61352 |
Kauman | 61324 |
Kedundung | 61316 |
Kemlagi | 61353 |
Kranggan | 61321 |
Kutorejo | 61383 |
Magersari | 61311 61312 61313 61314 61315 61316 61317 61318 61319 |
Mentikan | 61323 |
Meri | 61315 |
Miji | 61322 |
Mojoanyar | 61364 |
Mojosari | 61382 |
Ngoro | 61385 |
Pacet | 61374 |
Prajurit Kulon | 61321 61322 61323 61324 61325 61326 61327 61328 |
Pungging | 61384 |
Puri | 61363 |
Purwotengah | 61311 |
Sentanan | 61312 |
Sooko | 61361 |
Trawas | 61375 |
Trowulan | 61362 |
Wates | 61317 |