Bandung Barat Zip Codes: Java West, Indonesia

List of Bandung Barat Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Bandung Barat Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Java West Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Batujajar 40561
Cigugur Tengah 40552
Cihanjuang 40559
Cikalong Wetan 40556
Cilame 40552
Cililin 40562
Cipatat 40554
Cipeundeuy 40558
Cipongkor 40564
Cisarua 40551
Ciwaruga 40559
Gado Bangkong 40552
Gunung Halu 40565
Lembang 40391
Ngamprah 40552
Padalarang 40553
Parongpong 40559
Rongga 40566
Sariwangi 40559
Sindang Kerta 40563
Tani Mulya 40552

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