Labuhan Batu Zip Codes: North Sumatra, Indonesia

List of Labuhan Batu Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Labuhan Batu Zip Codes updated to 2020, the North Sumatra Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Aek Paing 21419
Bakaran Batu 21421
Bilah Hilir 21471
Bilah Hulu 21451
Binaraga 21416
Cendana 21417
Kartini 21418
Kualuih Hilir 21474
Merbau 21452
Na Ix X 21454
Padangbulan 21414
Padangmatinggi 21411
Panai Hilir 21473
Panai Tengah 21472
Pulo Padang 21419
Rantau Selatan 21421 21422 21423 21424 21425 21426 21427 21428 21429 21451
Rantau Utara 21411 21412 21413 21414 21416 21417 21418 21419 21451
Rantauprapat 21412
Sioldengan 21428
Sirandorung 21414
Siringo Ringo 21413

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