Serdang Bedagai Zip Codes: North Sumatra, Indonesia
List of Serdang Bedagai Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Serdang Bedagai Zip Codes updated to 2020, the North Sumatra Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.
Zip/Postal Codes
Galang | 20985 |
Kotarih | 20584 20984 |
Pantai Cermin | 20587 20987 |
Perbaungan | 20986 |
Sipispis | 20692 20992 |
Sungai Rampah | 20695 20995 |
Tanjung Beringan | 20696 |
Tanjungberingin | 20996 |
Tebing Tinggi | 20651 |
Teluk Mengkudu | 20697 |
Telukmengkudu | 20997 |
Bandar Khalifah | 20694 20994 |
Bangun Purba | 20981 |
Dolok Masihul | 20691 20991 |
Dolok Merawan | 20693 20993 |
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