Serdang Bedagai Zip Codes: North Sumatra, Indonesia

List of Serdang Bedagai Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Serdang Bedagai Zip Codes updated to 2020, the North Sumatra Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Galang 20985
Kotarih 20584 20984
Pantai Cermin 20587 20987
Perbaungan 20986
Sipispis 20692 20992
Sungai Rampah 20695 20995
Tanjung Beringan 20696
Tanjungberingin 20996
Tebing Tinggi 20651
Teluk Mengkudu 20697
Telukmengkudu 20997
Bandar Khalifah 20694 20994
Bangun Purba 20981
Dolok Masihul 20691 20991
Dolok Merawan 20693 20993

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