Tapanuli Utara Zip Codes: North Sumatra, Indonesia

List of Tapanuli Utara Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Tapanuli Utara Zip Codes updated to 2020, the North Sumatra Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Adiankoting 22461
Garoga 22473
Hutatoruan Ix 22412
Hutatoruan V 22413
Hutatoruan Vi 22411
Hutatoruan Vii 22412
Hutatoruan X 22411
Hutatoruan Xi 22411
Lintongnihuta 22475
Muara 22476
Pagaran 22458
Pahae Jae 22465
Pahae Julu 22463
Pangaribuan 22472
Parmonangan 22453
Siborong Borong 22474
Sipahutar 22471
Sipoholon 22452
Tarutung 22411 22412 22413 22414 22415 22416 22417 22418 22419 22451 22452 22471

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