Toba Samosir Zip Codes: North Sumatra, Indonesia

List of Toba Samosir Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Toba Samosir Zip Codes updated to 2020, the North Sumatra Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Balige 22311 22312 22313 22314 22315 22316 22351
Balige I 22316
Balige Iii 22315
Habinsaran 22383
Harian 22391
Laguboti 22381
Lumban Dolok 22314
Lumbang Ulu 22386
Muara 22376
Napitupulu 22311
Onan Runggu 22394
Palipi 22393
Pangururan 22392
Pardede Onan 22313
Porsea 22384
Sangkar Ni Huta 22312
Sianjur Mula Mula 22396
Silaen 22351 22382
Simanindo 22395

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