Jayawijaya Zip Codes: Papua, Indonesia

List of Jayawijaya Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Jayawijaya Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Papua Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Abenaho 99559
Apalapsili 99581
Asologaima 99554
Bokondini 99561
Bolakme 99557
Gameliya 99556
Hubikosi 99566
Karubaga 99562
Kelila 99553
Kenyam 99565
Kerulu 99552
Kiwirok 99574
Kobakma 99558
Kurima 99571
Kurulu 99552
Makki 99555
Mapenduma 99564
Okbibab 99572
Oksibil 99573
Pirime 99567
Tiom 99563
Wamena 99511 99551

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