Muna Zip Codes: South East Sulawesi, Indonesia

List of Muna Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Muna Zip Codes updated to 2020, the South East Sulawesi Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Bonegunu 93673
Duruka 93659
Guali 93655
Kabangka 93664
Kabawo 93661
Kali Susu 93672
Katobu 93611 93612 93613 93614 93615 93616 93617 93618 93651
Kulisusu 93672
Laiworu 93614
Lawa 93621 93652
Lohia 93658
Mangga Kuning 93616
Napabalano 93654
Palangga 93617
Parigi 93663
Pulau Pulau Tiworo 93656
Raha I 93611
Raha Ii 93612
Raha Iii 93613
Sawerigading 93657
Tiworo Kepulauan 93653
Tongkuno 93662
Wakorumba Selatan 93674
Wakorumba Tengah 93675
Wakorumba Utara 93671
Wapunto 93618
Watonea 93615

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