Sawahlunto Sijunjung Zip Codes: West Sumatra, Indonesia
List of Sawahlunto Sijunjung Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Sawahlunto Sijunjung Zip Codes updated to 2020, the West Sumatra Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.
Zip/Postal Codes
Empat Nagari | 27561 |
Kamangbaru | 27572 |
Kotabaru | 27581 |
Kotobaru | 27584 |
Kupitan | 27564 |
Muara Gambok | 27511 |
Muara Ganting Hilir | 27513 |
Muara Ganting Mudik | 27512 |
Muara Silokek | 27515 |
Sijunjung | 27511 27512 27513 27514 27515 27551 27552 27553 |
Sumpar Kudus | 27563 |
Sumpur Kudus | 27563 |
Tanjung Gadang | 27571 27572 |
Vii Koto | 27562 |
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