Sawahlunto Sijunjung Zip Codes: West Sumatra, Indonesia

List of Sawahlunto Sijunjung Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Sawahlunto Sijunjung Zip Codes updated to 2020, the West Sumatra Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Empat Nagari 27561
Kamangbaru 27572
Kotabaru 27581
Kotobaru 27584
Kupitan 27564
Muara Gambok 27511
Muara Ganting Hilir 27513
Muara Ganting Mudik 27512
Muara Silokek 27515
Sijunjung 27511 27512 27513 27514 27515 27551 27552 27553
Sumpar Kudus 27563
Sumpur Kudus 27563
Tanjung Gadang 27571 27572
Vii Koto 27562

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