Kitagumma Gun Zip Codes: Gumma Ken, Japan

List of Kitagumma Gun Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Kitagumma Gun Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Gumma Ken Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Arai 370-3503
Ő‰Å²¡Ç”ºå½¹Å ´ 370-3692
ə¸Ä¸ŠÈ‡ªè¡›ÉšŠÃ€€Ç›¸É¦¬ÅŽŸÉ§Å±¯Åœ° 370-3594
Ʀ›Æ±Æ‘Ž¹Å ´ 370-3593
Hirobaba 370-3504
Ikanikeisaiganaibaai 370-3500 370-3600
Jimba 370-3603
Kaminoda 370-3606
Kitashimo 370-3605
Minamishimo 370-3604
Nagaoka 370-3501
Ogura 370-3607
Okubo 370-3602
Shimonoda 370-3608
Uenohara 370-3505
Urushibara 370-3601
Yamakoda 370-3502

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