Koga Shi Zip Codes: Fukuoka Ken, Japan

List of Koga Shi Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Koga Shi Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Fukuoka Ken Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Aoyagi 811-3134
Aoyagimachi 811-3133
Chidori 811-3195 811-3113
Chuo 811-3103
Ekihigashi 811-3102 811-3192 811-3193
Gemboen 811-3128
Hanami Higashi 811-3112
Hanami Minami 811-3111
Hiyoshi 811-3106
Ikanikeisaiganaibaai 811-3100
Imanosho 811-3117
Imazaike 811-3131
Itogaura 811-3136
Kawabaru 811-3132
Kazurugaoka 811-3104
Koga 811-3137 811-3198
Komono 811-3122
Kubo 811-3115
Mainosato 811-3114
Miake 811-3107
Misato 811-3119
Mushirochi 811-3121
Netabi 811-3123
Odake 811-3135
Oyamada 811-3126
Shimbaru 811-3127
Shinkubo 811-3118
Shishibu 811-3105
Sho 811-3116
Taniyama 811-3125
Tenjin 811-3197 811-3101
Yakuoji 811-3124

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