Yatsushiro Gun Zip Codes: Kumamoto Ken, Japan
List of Yatsushiro Gun Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Yatsushiro Gun Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Kumamoto Ken Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.
Zip/Postal Codes
Amido | 869-4812 |
Arisa | 869-4604 |
Hayao | 869-4606 |
Ikanikeisaiganaibaai | 869-4600 |
Ima | 869-4601 |
Kakoi | 869-4607 |
Kano | 869-4811 |
Kashima | 869-4815 |
Kawahara | 869-4806 |
Miyahara | 869-4602 |
Miyahara Eikyu | 869-4608 |
Nakashima | 869-4605 |
Nozu | 869-4805 |
Ono | 869-4804 |
Shimachi | 869-4814 |
Shinden | 869-4801 |
Takatsuka | 869-4802 |
Tategami | 869-4603 |
Wakasu | 869-4813 |
Yoshimoto | 869-4803 |
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