Kitamurayama Gun Zip Codes: Yamagata Ken, Japan

List of Kitamurayama Gun Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Kitamurayama Gun Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Yamagata Ken Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Ekimaedori 999-4116
Ikanikeisaiganaibaai 999-4100
Imashuku 999-4113
Iwagafukuro 999-4103
Jinengo 999-4141
Kaiya 999-4102
Katsuragicho 999-4115
Kawamae 999-4133
Komagome 999-4132
Midoricho 999-4112
Oishida 999-4111
Oura 999-4131
Takanosu 999-4554 999-4101
Tazawa 999-4122
Toyoda 999-4134
Yokkamachi 999-4114
Yokoyama 999-4121

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