Ajlun Zip / Posst Codes (Jordan)

See the Ajlun postal code (Jordan), you can find the most up-to-date Birmingham postal code here.

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Zip/Postal Codes

Ain Janna 26813
Ajloun 26824
AjlounAjloun Community College 26816
Ajlun 26810
Al Hashimiyyah 71221
Al Hussainiyyah 71228
Al Masharea 28172
Alshafa 28110 | 28170
AlshafaAl Wahadneh 26887
AlshafaHalawah 26895
Anjara 26861
Burma 26767
Eshtafeina 26821
Ibbeen 26833
Qalet Ajloon 26811
Ras Munif 26827
Rasun 26826
Sabha 25410
Urjan 26825
Wadi Ar Rayyan 28178

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