Al Balqa Zip / Posst Codes (Jordan)

See the Al Balqa postal code (Jordan), you can find the most up-to-date Birmingham postal code here.

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Zip/Postal Codes

Al Alali 19153
Al Baqa 19381
Al Salt 19110
Alfuhais 19152 | 19154
As Salt 19385
Bait Ras 21124
Balqa AppliedBalqa Applied University 19117
Dair Ala 19143
Dair AlaKhazmah 18322
Deir Alla 18210
Ean Albasha 21122
Ean AlbashaPhiladelphia 19392
Er Rumeimin 19384
Es Sbayhe 19210
Hai Al Hussien 13118
Kufr Jayez 21125
Mahes 19252
Safut 19378
Um El AmadAl Salt 16197
Um Juzah 19255
Yarqa 19173

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