Al Balqa Zip / Posst Codes (Jordan)
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Zip/Postal Codes
Al Alali | 19153 |
Al Baqa | 19381 |
Al Salt | 19110 |
Alfuhais | 19152 | 19154 |
As Salt | 19385 |
Bait Ras | 21124 |
Balqa AppliedBalqa Applied University | 19117 |
Dair Ala | 19143 |
Dair AlaKhazmah | 18322 |
Deir Alla | 18210 |
Ean Albasha | 21122 |
Ean AlbashaPhiladelphia | 19392 |
Er Rumeimin | 19384 |
Es Sbayhe | 19210 |
Hai Al Hussien | 13118 |
Kufr Jayez | 21125 |
Mahes | 19252 |
Safut | 19378 |
Um El AmadAl Salt | 16197 |
Um Juzah | 19255 |
Yarqa | 19173 |