Al Mafraq Zip / Posst Codes (Jordan)

See the Al Mafraq postal code (Jordan), you can find the most up-to-date Birmingham postal code here.

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Zip/Postal Codes

Al Azraq Al Alshamali 41111
Al Iraq 61693
Al Mafraq 25110
Al Mazar 21610 | 61610
Al Mughaiyer 21135
Al Rfaiyyat 43984
Alrowaished 31110 | 43110
Alsafawi 58110
Hakama 21132
Hosha Aljadedah 21131
Hosha AljadedahHarma 21127
Kharja 21386
Rawdhat Al Amirah Basma 25527
TuraifMuthalath Sama Al Russan 21129
Um Aljemal 25488 | 25529

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