Shuchinsk Zip Codes: Akmola, Kazakhstan

List of Shuchinsk Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Shuchinsk Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Akmola Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Borovoe 021708
Chernoyarka 021727
Dmitrievka 021711
Dorofeevka 021712
Karashilik 021716
Kenesary 021717
Klimovka 021718
Kotyrkol 021719
Kyzylagash 021720
Madeniet 021721
Nauryzbai Batyr 021722
Nikolaevka 021723
Pervomaiskoe 021724
Shchuchinsk 021700 021701 021702 021703 021704 021705 021706 021707
Urumkai 021725
Uspeno-Yurevka 021726
Vedenovka 021709
Voronovka 021710
Zeleny Bor 021714
Zhasyl 021713
Zlatopole 021715

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