Khromtau Zip Codes: Aktobe, Kazakhstan

List of Khromtau Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Khromtau Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Aktobe Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Bogetsai 031103
Khromtau 031100 031101 031102
Koktau 031104
Kopa 031105
Kredikovka 031106
Kudyksai 031107
Kyzylsu 031108
Maitobe 031109
Molodezhnoe 031110
Nikeltau 031111
Novorossyskoe 031112
Oysylkara 031113
Prostornoe 031114
Sarysai 031115
Sukhinovka 031117
Susanovka 031116
Tabantal 031118
Tasotkel 031119
Troitskoe 031120

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