Alakol Zip Codes: Almaty Region, Kazakhstan

List of Alakol Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Alakol Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Almaty Region Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Akshi 040205
Aktubek 040204
Akzhar 040203
Arkarly 040206
Ashim 040207
Baizerek 040208
Beskol 040209
Bibakan 040210
Bulakty 040211
Dostyk 040212
Ekpendi 040213
Enbekshi 040214
Kabanbai 040218 040219
Kainar 040221
Kamyskala 040222
Karabulak 040223
Kazakhstan 040220
Koktuma 040225
Kokzhar 040224
Kolbai 040226
Konyr 040227
Kyzyl Kain 040229
Kyzylashchi 040228
Lepsinsk 040230
Maikan 040231
Sakhzavod 040233
Sapak 040232
St. Eeskol 040239
Terekty 040234
Tokzhailau 040235
Usharal 040200 040201 040202
Ushbulak 040236
Ushkaiyn 040237
Yntaly 040238
Zhaipak 040215
Zhanama 040216
Zhylandy 040217

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