Alakol Zip Codes: Almaty Region, Kazakhstan
List of Alakol Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Alakol Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Almaty Region Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.
Zip/Postal Codes
Akshi | 040205 |
Aktubek | 040204 |
Akzhar | 040203 |
Arkarly | 040206 |
Ashim | 040207 |
Baizerek | 040208 |
Beskol | 040209 |
Bibakan | 040210 |
Bulakty | 040211 |
Dostyk | 040212 |
Ekpendi | 040213 |
Enbekshi | 040214 |
Kabanbai | 040218 040219 |
Kainar | 040221 |
Kamyskala | 040222 |
Karabulak | 040223 |
Kazakhstan | 040220 |
Koktuma | 040225 |
Kokzhar | 040224 |
Kolbai | 040226 |
Konyr | 040227 |
Kyzyl Kain | 040229 |
Kyzylashchi | 040228 |
Lepsinsk | 040230 |
Maikan | 040231 |
Sakhzavod | 040233 |
Sapak | 040232 |
St. Eeskol | 040239 |
Terekty | 040234 |
Tokzhailau | 040235 |
Usharal | 040200 040201 040202 |
Ushbulak | 040236 |
Ushkaiyn | 040237 |
Yntaly | 040238 |
Zhaipak | 040215 |
Zhanama | 040216 |
Zhylandy | 040217 |
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