Ile Zip Codes: Almaty Region, Kazakhstan

List of Ile Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Ile Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Almaty Region Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Akshi 040701
Ashchibulak 040702 040703
Baiserke 040704 040705
Birinshi Mai 040706
Boraldai 040707 040708 040709
Chapaev 040726
Ekpendi 040710
Karaoy 040719
Kaztsik 040718
Kokkainar 040729
Kokterek 040720
Kosozen 040721
Kuygan 040722
Mezhdurechensk 040723
Otegen Batyr 040700
Pokrovka 040724
Rakhat 040725
Shilikemer 040727
Yntymak 040728
Zhana Dauir 040712
Zhanaarna 040711
Zhaugashty 040713
Zhetigen 040714 040715 040716
Zhopek Batyr 040717

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