Sarkant Zip Codes: Almaty Region, Kazakhstan

List of Sarkant Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Sarkant Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Almaty Region Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Abai 041503
Aktuma 041504
Almaly 041505
Amanbokter 041506
Bakaly 041507
Birlik 041508
Cherkassk 041526
Ekiasha 041509
Erkin 041510
Eshkiolmes 041511
Karaboget 041512
Karauyltobe 041513
Kargaly 041514
Kokozek 041518
Kokterek 041519
Kokzhide 041517
Koylyk 041516
Kozybaev 041515
Leninka 041520
Lepsy 041521
Pogranichnik 041522
Sarkan 041500 041501 041502
Shatyrbai 041527
Sokolovka 041523
Tolebaev 041524
Topolevka 041525

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