Urzhar Zip Codes: East Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan

List of Urzhar Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Urzhar Zip Codes updated to 2020, the East Kazakhstan Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Akshoky 071704
Altynshoky 071705
Bakty 071706
Besterek 071707
Eltai 071708
Kabanbai 071711
Karabulak 071713
Karabuta 071714
Karakol 071715
Karatuma 071716
Kazymbet 071712
Keldimurat 071717
Kokozek 071718
Kokterek 071719
Koldenen 071720
Kyzyl Tu 071722
Kyzyl-Zhuldyz 071721
Laibulak 071723
Makanshy 071724
Naualy 071725
Nekrasovka 071726
Novoandreevka 071727
Segizbai 071728
Sholpan 071731
Taskesken 071729
Urzhar 071700 071701 071702 071703
Yuzhnoe 071730
Zhanai 071709
Zhogargi Eginsu 071710

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