Nurinsky Zip Codes: Karagandy, Kazakhstan

List of Nurinsky Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Nurinsky Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Karagandy Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Akhmet Auyly 100904
Akmeshit 100901
Algabas 100902
Amantau 100903
Baitugan 100905
Balyktykol 100906
Barshino 100907
Ivanovka 100911
Izendy 100912
Karakaska 100913
Karaoy 100914
Kertindi 100915
Kobetey 100916
Kulanotpes 100917
Kulanutpes 100918
Maiorovka 100919
P.kievka 100900
Przhevalskoe 100920
Shakhterskoe 100925
Shcherbakovskoe 100926
Sonaly 100921
Taldysai 100922
Tassuat 100923
Tkenekty 100924
Zarechnoe 100910
Zhanbobek 100908
Zharaspai 100909

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