Atakent Zip Codes: South Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan

List of Atakent Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Atakent Zip Codes updated to 2020, the South Kazakhstan Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Abai 160527
Algabas 160528
Altynsarino 160529
Amangeldy 160530
Arai 160531
Araily 160532
Asykata 160533
Atakent 160526
Atakentskogo 160525
Bolshevik 160534
Dikhan 160535
Dzerzhinsky 160536
Igilik 160540
Irzhar 160541
Kenesshil 160543
Khalyktardostygy 160553
Kokaral 160548
Konyrat 160542
Kyzylkum 160537
Kyzyltan 160544
Kyzyltu 160514
Madeniet 160545
Makhtazhan 160546
Myrzakent 160547
Plodovinogradnoe 160549
Syrabat 701642
Talapty 160550
Tanirbergen Zhailybaev 160551
Zhambul 160538
Zhenis 160539

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