Saryagash Zip Codes: South Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan

List of Saryagash Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Saryagash Zip Codes updated to 2020, the South Kazakhstan Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Abai 160905 160929
Akniet 160931
Akzhar 160924
Akzhol 160930
Amangeldy 160906
Beskubyr 160907
Birlesu 160908
Birlik 160909
Darbaza 160911
Derbisek 160912
Dimitrovo 160925
Gorky 160910
Kaplanbek 160916
Karla Marksa 160926 160927
Kurkeles 160932
Kyzylasker 160918
Kyzylzhar 160919
Lenin Zholy 160920
Oshakty 160921
Sanatory Saryagash 160917
Saryagash 160900 160901 160902 160903 160904
Shengeldy 160928
Ushkyn 160922
Yntymak 160923
Zhemisty 160913
Zhibek Zholy 160914
Zhylga 160915

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