Sayram Zip Codes: South Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan

List of Sayram Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Sayram Zip Codes updated to 2020, the South Kazakhstan Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Akbulak 160801
Aksu 160800 160825
Artel 160816
Badam 160802
Bazarkakpa 160824
Chirkino 160822
Karabulak 160804 160814
Karamurt 160805
Karasu 160806
Karatobe 160819
Kolkent 160808
Komeshbulak 160807
Kozhakorgan 160815
Kutarys 160820
Kyzylazhar 160027
Mankent 160809 160810
Mankent Dom Otdykha 160811
Martobe 160818
Sairam 160812 160817
Tassai 160813
Yntymak 160823
Zhibek Zholy 160803

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