Turkestan Zip Codes: South Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan

List of Turkestan Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Turkestan Zip Codes updated to 2020, the South Kazakhstan Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

30 Let Kazakhstana 161223
Abai 161206
Asha 161227
Ashysai 160402
Babaikorgan 161207
Bayaldyr 160406
Birlik 161208
Chaga 161220
Chernak 161221
Ibata 161210
Kantagi 160404
Karashik 161211
Karnak 160403
Kentau 160401 160405
Kentausky Uchastok Po Obrabotke Strakhovoy Pochty I Dosta 160400
Kommuna 161212
Kyzyl Asker 161213
Kyzylzhol 161214
Nurtas 161215
Sauran 161216
Staroikan 161217
Teke 161218
Turkestan 161200 161201 161202 161203 161204 161205 161209 161224 161225 161226
Urangai 161219
Yntaly 161222

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