Korday Zip Codes: Zhambyl, Kazakhstan

List of Korday Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Korday Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Zhambyl Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Kordai 080400 080401 080402 080403 080404
Masanshy 080421
Otar 080423
Sarybulak 080424
Sharbakty 080430
Slavnoe 080425
Sortobe 080426
Stepnoe 080427
Sulutor 080428
Ulken Sulutor 080429
Zhambyl 080411
Zhanaturmys 080412
Alga 080405
Aukatty 080406
Beriktas 080407
Betkainar 080408
Enbek 080410
Gvardeysky 080409
Hogaibai 080422
Kainar 080413
Kakpatas 080414
Karakemer 080415
Karasai Batyr 080416
Karasu 080417
Kasyk 080418
Kenen 080419
Koktobe 080420

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