Kantinieku Pagasts Zip Codes: Rezeknes Novads, Latvia
List of Kantinieku Pagasts Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Kantinieku Pagasts Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Rezeknes Novads Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.
Zip/Postal Codes
Banculi | LV |
Borovaja | LV |
Borovaja Sloboda | LV |
Brizgi | LV |
Ciskani | LV |
Dundas | LV |
Kantiniki | LV |
Kasi | LV |
Kazradzi | LV |
Kelasovka | LV |
Klementinova | LV |
Kondroti | LV |
Kozlovka | LV |
Kristceli | LV |
Krusti | LV |
Leimani | LV |
Leimaniski | LV |
Liuza | LV |
Mizani | LV |
Pauri | LV |
Piertniki | LV |
Romanovka | LV |
Staudzi | LV |
Suli | LV |
Svecovka | LV |
Zimelovka | LV |
Zirkova | LV |
Zjabki | LV |
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