Galenu Pagasts Zip Codes: Riebinu Novads, Latvia

List of Galenu Pagasts Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Galenu Pagasts Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Riebinu Novads Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Akmenaja LV
Borisovka LV
Briskas LV
Ceperi LV
Galeni LV
Gribolva LV
Indani LV
Lescinski LV
Lomi-Bortnieki LV
Makarovka LV
Maltas Trupi LV
Marinski LV
Miculevka LV
Prizevoiti LV
Punculi LV
Skabi LV
Sobolevka LV
Sondori LV
Vecbeci LV
Voveres LV
Zeimuli-Puzaki LV

Other countries
