Putrajaya Zip / Posst Codes (Malaysia)

See the Putrajaya postal code (Malaysia), you can find the most up-to-date Birmingham postal code here.

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Zip/Postal Codes

Putrajaya 62000 | 62007 | 62050 | 62100 | 62150 | 62200 | 62250 | 62300 | 62502 | 62504 | 62505 | 62506 | 62510 | 62512 | 62514 | 62516 | 62517 | 62518 | 62519 | 62520 | 62522 | 62524 | 62526 | 62527 | 62530 | 62532 | 62536 | 62540 | 62542 | 62546 | 62550 | 62551 |

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