Daisy Magu Zip Codes: Male, Maldives

List of Daisy Magu Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Daisy Magu Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Male Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Abbasaa 20130
Al Aan 20129
Amery 20129
Bamboo 20130
Canvas 20129
Champaa Moon 20129
Daisy Fehi 20130
Daisymaage 20130
Enif 20129
Kathleen 20129
Komaa 20129
Kunaa 20129
Maadhuvaa 20129
Maajehige Aage 20129
Nanfashuvige 20130
New Sight 20129
Pompiya Lodge 20130
Pompiyage 20130
Silsilaage 20130
Swing 20129
Victoria 20129

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