Dhoohimeri Magu Zip Codes: Male, Maldives

List of Dhoohimeri Magu Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Dhoohimeri Magu Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Male Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Aafathis 20091
Aaraamuge 20091
Dhon Annaaruge 20074
Dhoohimerige 20074
Droop 20091
Farudhigga 20091
Isfahaan 20062
Kudafusheege 20091
Laalge 20074
Maadumatheege 20091
Milk Maid No. 1 20091
Milk Maid No. 2 20091
Milk Maidge 20091
Night Dream 20091
Nookuri 20091
Ocean Star Aage 20090
Ocean Store 20090
Pool Kinaaraa 20090
Ranvilaage 20074
Rasthari 20090
South End 20074
Sulthaana Manzil 20090

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