Dhunburi Magu Zip Codes: Male, Maldives

List of Dhunburi Magu Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Dhunburi Magu Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Male Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Aazaadhe Vaadhee 20033
Cylinco 20033
Dhon Dhunburige 20031
Giniraahi Aage 20033
Guruva 20033
Halaveligasdhoshuge 20032
Hiyaakan 20033
Hudhuveyo 20031
Jasmine 20032
Lainoofarumaage 20033
Lilac House 20031
Lucky 20033
Naadhee Villa 20031
Reenaa Villa 20031
Sumalnivaas 20033
Udhares Villa 20032
Umaru Faru 20033

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