Keneree Magu Zip Codes: Male, Maldives

List of Keneree Magu Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Keneree Magu Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Male Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Ranfas 20214
Reesha Villa 20225
Rose Mead 20192
Rubuman Villa 20191
Thoonu Veli 20226
Anaa Villa 20226
Andaapool Aage 20193
Andaapool Lodge 20193
Andaapool Villa 20193
Andaapoolge 20193
Andaapoolmaage 20193
Arinagaage 20225
Bageechaa 20191
Blue Grass 20192
Cosy Lodge 20225
Dakar Villa 20191
Dhilshaadhu Villa 20226
Dhilshaadhuge 20226
Econ 20226
Ever Glory 20226
Ever Glory Aage 20226
Ever Pink 20225
Fenari 20214
Four Wings 20193
Four Wings Hulhangubai 20193
Galolhu Villa 20214
Green Leaf 20225
Gulfaam Kuri 20191
Gulfaamu Hiyaa 20191
Kalhufehige 20193
Kausar 20225
Light Corner 20192
Limarik 20191
Melaa 20191
Merry Corner 20226
Mithuna 20192
Nanaimo 20214
Narugis 20191
Neenaa 20191
Olhitherige 20192
Orchard 20227
Orchard No. 1 20227
Orchard No. 2 20227
Orchard No. 3 20227
Orchard No. 4 20227
Pears 20193
Rabeeu Villa 20225
Rafeeguge 20225

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