Alif Dhaalu Zip Codes: Medhu-Uthuru, Maldives

List of Alif Dhaalu Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Alif Dhaalu Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Medhu-Uthuru Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

AngagaAngaga Island Resort 00110
AthurugaAthuruga Island Resort 00130
Dhangethi 00060
Dhidhdhoo 00090
Dhidhoo FinolhuWhite Sands Resort 00260
DhidhooAri Beach Resort 00120
DhiffushiHoliday Island 00140
Dhigurah 00070
Fenfushi 00080
Hangnameedhoo 00010
HuvahendhooLily Beach Resort 00160
Kuburudhoo 00030
KudarahKuda Rah Island Resort 00150
MaafushivaruTwin Island Resort 00240
Maamigili 00100
MachchafushiMachchafushi Island Resort 00170
Mahibadhoo 00040
Mandhoo 00050
MirihiMirihi Island Resort 00190
MoofushiMoofushi Resort 00200
NalaguraidhooSun Island Resort 00220
Omadhoo 00020
RangaliMaldives Hilton On Rangali 00180
ThundufushiThundufushi Island Resort 00230
VakarufalhiVakarufalhi Island Resort 00250
VilamendhooVilamendhoo Island Resort 00260
VillingillivaruRanveli Village 00210

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