Distrito Federal Zip / Posst Codes (Brazil)

See the Distrito Federal postal code (Brazil), you can find the most up-to-date Birmingham postal code here.

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Zip/Postal Codes

Brasilia 70000-000
Brazlandia 72700-000
Candangolandia 71725-000
Ceilandia 72200-000
Cruzeiro 70640-000
Gama 72400-000
Guara 71000-000
Lago Norte 71500-000
Lago Sul 71600-000
Nucleo Bandeirante 71700-000
Paranoa 71570-000
Planaltina 73300-000
Recanto Das Emas 72600-000
Riacho Fundo 71800-000
Samambaia 72300-000
Santa Maria 72500-000
Sao Sebastiao 71690-000
Sobradinho 73000-000
Taguatinga 72000-000

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