Groningen Zip / Posst Codes (Netherlands)

See the Groningen postal code (Netherlands), you can find the most up-to-date Birmingham postal code here.

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Zip/Postal Codes

Garmerwolde 9798
Glimmen 9756
Groningen 9711 | 9712 | 9713 | 9714 | 9715 | 9716 | 9717 | 9718 | 9721 | 9722 | 9723 | 9724 | 9725 | 9726 | 9727 | 9728 | 9731 | 9732 | 9733 | 9734 | 9735 | 9736 | 9737 | 9738 | 9741 | 9742 | 9743 | 9744 | 9745 | 9746 | 9747
Haren Gn 9751 | 9752 | 9753
Harkstede Gn 9614
Lageland Gn 9622
Lellens 9794
Meerstad 9613
Noordlaren 9479
Onnen 9755
Sint Annen 9796
Ten Boer 9791
Ten Post 9792
Thesinge 9797
Winneweer 9793
Woltersum 9795

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