Ronneby Zip Codes: Blekinge, Sweden

List of Ronneby Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Ronneby Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Blekinge Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Backaryd 370 11 372 96 372 77
Brakne Hoby 372 62
Brakne-Hoby 370 10 372 61 372 60
Eringsboda 370 17 372 98 372 78
Holmsjo 370 34
Johannishus 372 95 372 75
Kallinge 372 53 372 92 372 02 372 52 372 51 372 50
Listerby 372 94 372 74
Nattraby 370 24
Ronneby 372 22 372 00 372 39 372 40 372 36 372 35 372 34 372 21 372 33 372 01 372 73 372 37 372 32 372 31 372 80 372 81 372 91 372 30 372 25 372 97 372 38
Tving 370 33

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