Varnamo Zip Codes: Jonkoping, Sweden
List of Varnamo Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Varnamo Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Jonkoping Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.
Zip/Postal Codes
Bor | 330 15 |
Bredaryd | 330 10 333 74 333 73 333 72 |
Forsheda | 330 12 |
Horda | 330 18 331 79 |
Kulltorp | 330 31 335 96 |
Skillingaryd | 568 92 |
Varnamo | 331 94 331 35 331 27 331 29 331 30 331 31 331 32 331 33 331 34 331 25 331 36 331 37 331 40 331 41 331 42 331 43 331 50 331 51 331 52 331 26 331 01 331 56 331 92 331 24 331 81 331 82 331 83 331 84 331 85 331 91 331 93 331 02 331 54 331 95 331 96 331 97 331 |
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