Sodertalje Zip Codes: Stockholm, Sweden
List of Sodertalje Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Sodertalje Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Stockholm Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.
Zip/Postal Codes
Enhorna | 150 23 |
Holo | 153 07 153 94 153 93 153 92 153 71 |
Jarna | 153 00 153 21 153 22 153 30 153 31 153 32 153 35 153 36 153 37 153 38 153 81 153 91 153 95 |
Molnbo | 150 21 153 96 |
Sodertalje | 151 66 151 55 151 46 151 47 151 48 151 65 151 53 151 54 151 59 151 44 151 60 151 61 151 62 151 63 151 64 151 52 151 45 151 40 151 33 151 83 151 68 151 71 151 72 151 73 151 81 151 82 151 36 151 39 151 87 151 88 151 89 151 92 151 85 151 37 151 38 151 34 151 |
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