Djerba Ajim Zip Codes: Medenine, Tunisia

List of Djerba Ajim Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Djerba Ajim Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Medenine Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Ajim 4135
Bou Smail 4135
Chaouch 4135
Cite Populaire 4135
El Groo 4125
El Guebline 4155
Ghandri 4135
Guellala 4155
Houmet Ben Harzallh 4135
Houmet Bou Hastine 4135
Houmet El Fahmine 4155
Houmet Issa 4135
Jabira 4125
Khenensa 4135
Methania 4150
Mezrane 4135
Oued Zbib 4166
Tlet 4155

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