Celikhan Zip Codes: Adiyaman, Turkey

List of Celikhan Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Celikhan Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Adiyaman Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Aksu 02600
Altintas 02600
Bozgedik 02600
Campinar 02600
Celikhan 02600
Fatih 02600
Golbagi 02600
Izci 02600
Kalecik 02600
Karacayir 02600
Karagol 02600
Korucak 02600
Koseusagi 02600
Mutlu 02600
Pinarbasi 02610
Recepkoy 02600
Tasdamlar 02600
Yagizatli 02600
Yesiltepe 02600
Yesilyayla 02600

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