Goynucek Zip Codes: Amasya, Turkey

List of Goynucek Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Goynucek Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Amasya Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Abaci 05900
Alan 05900
Ardicpinar 05900
Asar 05900
Ayvalipinar 05900
Baspinar 05900
Bektemur 05900
Besiktepe 05900
Camurlu 05900
Cayan 05900
Caykisla 05900
Culpara 05900
Damlacimen 05900
Davutevi 05900
Gafarli 05900
Gediksaray 05900
Gokceli 05900
Goynucek 05900
Harmancik 05900
Hasanbey 05900
Ikizyaka 05900
Ilisu 05900
Karasar 05900
Karayakup 05900
Kavakli 05900
Kertme 05900
Kervansaray 05900
Kislabeyi 05900
Konuralan 05900
Koyuncu 05900
Pembeli 05900
Sarkli 05900
Seyhler 05900
Seyhoglu 05900
Sigircayi 05900
Tencerli 05900
Terzikoy 05900
Yassikisla 05900
Yenikoy 05900

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