Merzifon Zip Codes: Amasya, Turkey

List of Merzifon Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Merzifon Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Amasya Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Akoren 05300
Aksungur 05300
Asagibuk 05300
Bahcecik 05300
Bayat 05300
Cavundur 05300
Cayirkoy 05300
Cobanoren 05300
Derealan 05300
Gelinsini 05300
Gokcebag 05300
Hirka 05300
Inalani 05300
Karamagara 05300
Karamustafapasa 05300
Kayaduzu 05300
Merzifon 05300
Ortabuk 05300
Ortaova 05300
Osmanoglu 05300
Sarikoy 05300
Sazlica 05300
Selimiye 05300
Seyhyeni 05300
Yakacik 05300
Yaylacik 05300
Yesiltepe 05300
Yolustu 05300
Yukaribuk 05300

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