Cankaya Zip Codes: Ankara, Turkey

List of Cankaya Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Cankaya Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Ankara Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

100.Yil 06530
Ahlatlibel 06805
Ayranci 06540
Bahcelievler 06490
Balgat 06520
Bilkent 06800
Birlik 06610
Cankaya 06690
Cayyolu 06810
Cebeci 06590
Dikmen 06450
Esat 06660
Gaziosmanpasa 06700
Kavaklidere 06680
Kizilay 06420
Maltepe 06570
Merkezkoy 06705
Ovecler 06460
Sihhiye 06430
Sogutozu 06510
Tbmm 06543
Yildiz 06550
Zafertepe 06670

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